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How To Sign Up To Use Park Vendor Review (It's Free!)

February 15, 2024

It's easy and free to sign up for Park Vendor Review. Read through short article to see how to sign up and get verified, or watch the YouTube video linked on this page. 

There are two ways to sign up as a Park Vendor Review user. To start head over to our user registration page

Single Sign On Method

If you have a Facebook, Google, or LinkedIn account, click the icon and use our single sign on method. Select your preferred account and that's all you have to do. We'll verify your account shortly, and in the meantime you can browse vendors, or request a quote or demo. 

Create a Website Log In

You can also register without using single sign on. Simply click the sign up button, enter your personal details, choose a password, then click "next" to move on. Check your email for a verification code. If you don't see one, then click resend or check your spam folder. 

Enter the verification code, click next, and now you can enter your park details. Select your role at your park. If you are a prospective owner, investor, work camper, that's okay, just select your role accordingly. Next, if you own a park, search for the name and select it. 

If your park is not listed, create a new park, fill out the details and press "Next" to continue. Now upload a profile picture or take a selfie. This is an important step to verify your account. Park Vendor Review is committed to ensuring an authentic and vetted community of RV park and campground owners.  

If you upload a non -identifying picture, we won't be able to verify your account, so make sure you take a good selfie. Click save and start browsing the site. You'll receive a welcome confirmation email, and we'll verify your profile shortly. 

Action Items

1.     Go to and click the sign up button.

2.     Click the icon to sign in with Facebook, Google or LinkedIn account.

3.     Or click the sign up button again to enter details manually.

4.     Check email for verification code after entering details.

5.     Select user role at your park.

6.     Search and select your park or create new park listing.

7.     Upload a clear selfie or identifiable profile picture.

8.     Receive welcome confirmation email after verification is complete.

It seems like your account hasn't been approved for this action just yet. We're working diligently to review and process approvals. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

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What to expect now from Park Vendor Review?

  • Representatives from this vendor category will reach out to you to discuss: 
    • Your business needs
    • Your budget
    • Your timeline
  • You can expect to receive a call, text or email with more information.

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